Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blogging Virgin

Well, this is going to be my first crack at blogging.  Not sure what to expect or what to do but I am sure I can figure something out.  I guess I will just have learn as I go.

Last weekend we went with some friends of ours to Hillsborough River State Park camping with a group of friends.  Spent a lot of time sitting around the campfire, socializing with friends and enjoying the beauty of the park.  On Saturday, Joseph, Jarrett, Julia, our dog Jasmine and a few friends went on a hike around the nature trails at the park.  The one trail was over 3 miles.  Watching Julia's little legs go made me think that it was probably like a 6 mile hike for her little legs.  It was a lot of fun though.  There isn't anything much like getting out in nature with your family while camping.  Even though some may laugh at my interpretation of camping.  To me, since I did not grow up doing any camping or anything, camping in an RV is camping to me.  That is my version or "roughing it".  LOL  Once nice thing about sitting around the fire with people chatting is you get to learn a lot about other people.  One person was very much into computers and technology and somehow we got on the subject of music and itunes and such.  He suggested taking all music cd's and importing them into itunes.  The timing of this information was perfect because I had just gotten rid of my entertainment center which held my hundreds of cd's.  I had them in a huge container packed away in a closet.  Not realizing the cd's took up very little hard drive space on the computer, I now had a project ahead of me.  So Sunday I started importing all my cd's to my computers.  What a great idea that was.  Now I do not have to go and dig into my container to find a particular cd.  Now they are just a "click" away.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Joey! So glad I inspired you,it's a great outlet/hobby for me over the past almost 4 years now! There is a lot of extras but I started out very basic then just grew as I learned more about blogging :-) Don't hesitate to ask any questions and LOVE the blog name, very clever :-)
    ps- I never "roughed" it either growing up, the most camping I ever did was in girl scouts at Disney campgrounds at Fort Wilderness hit was in tents at least ha! We love sitting around our fire pit now with friends and family it's great!
